- Copy of Application Form B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Available Infrastructure Facillties Land Document Building Map Building Particulars B.Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Staff Profile B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Recognition Letters of all courses B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Sanctioned Programmes Along with the annual intake in the institution B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Name of faculty and staff in full as mentioned in school certificate along with their qualification B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Name of faculty members who left or joined during the last quarter B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Name of student admitted during the current session along with qualification percentage of marks B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Fee charged from students B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Facilities added duringg the last quarter B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Number of the books in the library B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.
- Information B. Ed. D. EL. Ed.